A Growing Collection of Forgotten Stories, Abandoned Places, and Eerie Curiosities of Southern Heritage -
Saturday, November 2, 2013
I came across this place, purely by accident. I turned into what used to be a farm field, to turn my car around, and noticed this building with briars, vines, and weeds grown up all around it. I took the opportunity to walk over to it, and snap some photos, and I was not disappointed. The door was ajar, and I could hear birds flutter out of the cracks in the wooden walls. I risked the thorns blocking the door way, and pushed through to peek inside. I saw old and shabby wood flooring and walls with random objects scattered across the floor. One particular object raised my curiosity, as you can tell by the two pictures I featured. It looks like a baby doll carriage for a child's toy. Either that, or it may have been for a small toddler for the mother to stroll it around in. What is it doing in the old abandoned building? I know we have all heard stories about feral children left to their own care, found in similar places. Or children that of no fault of their own were born different, and instead of sending their children off to state care, they would hide them in small places to take care of them the best they saw fit. I wonder, and am puzzled by this small place, I wonder what secrets it holds, that we'll never know.
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